Saturday, July 9, 2011

Clean Eating Leads to Cleaner Body - Introduction

Yep - I am finally ready to take my body seriously.  I am now 34 years old and I have seen the effects of poor eating habits, slower metabolism, and now the aftermath of pregnancy.  Bottom line, I am fatigued, have adult acne, my body just hurts, rapid hormone fluctuated mood swings, depression, sugar cravings, and weigh about 30 pounds more than I should.  I have really never been a yo-yo dieter...mainly because I never stay on anything long enough to even be considered on a diet.  I hate dieting, I really don't enjoy cooking and I have little patience.  Not a good combination.

This time it is different and for many reasons.  My SON.  I AM DONE with feeling like crap.  I have WITNESSED MY PARENTS, beginning in their 50's, struggle with chronic pain, yo-yo dieting and general health issues.  I have been pondering this for several months and for the first time I am going into something MENTALLY prepared. 

What am I doing?  I have started a program called, "The Core Balance Diet"* by Marcelle Pick, MSN, OB/GYN NP.  It addresses the imbalances in women that occur after years of poor dieting and overall unhealthy choices.  I start July 10th and the program lasts 28 days.  I will be eating all fresh, unprocessed foods with no "white" foods, packaged foods, sugars, sodas, and limited milk products.  Its going to be a challenge because it requires COOKING, but the recipes seem easy and I am ready to make a lasting change for me and my family. This time I am learning how things effect my body and my cravings and my hormone levels and how I FEEL.  


Follow my journey and perhaps you will be inspired to do the same.

*There are affiliate links in this post.

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