Thursday, July 14, 2011

Day 5

Okay, this has been the toughest day thus far.  The cravings are still strong but it hasn't been so much that as today I was very fatigued and I had a terrible headache all day.  Not sure why the fatigue, as I have been eating enough each day.  Probably 1500 calories.  The headache is probably dealing with ridding myself of all the toxins and some withdrawal from the things that I typically relied upon during my day like soda and some sort of sweet. 

I am drinking an incredible amount of water each day, about 80 ounces, which is a lot for someone that hardly drank 16 ounces or so a day.  I am very happy with myself for keeping up with it.  When I am feeling tired or have a thirst I still want to go to something with some taste, like juice or soda, but I am sure those fall backs will go away soon. 

Lastly, this would normally be a point where I give up and believe me I came close on grabbing something sweet in the grocery store.  If I had done that I would of been very hard on myself and felt like I ruined the entire program, gave up and likely binged.  BUT I DIDN'T! 

I can go to bed tonight knowing that I am passing the hump and I can get through this.  Like I said before, what else will I do?

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